Type is Art: Parts of a Character

Parts of a Character print image showing the various shapes that compose the characters in our alphabet.

All letterforms are composed of twenty-one distinct parts.Most commonly, these parts combine to form the characters of our alphabet.Type is Art allows for experimentation beyond this typical character set. Suzanne Cerja, Silo Design I was not always a “typography nerd.” Maybe by some standards I’m still not. There is a point in my career that […]

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A Buddhist Reference Sheet by the Numbers

Buddhist Reference Sheet

The sheer number of lists and numbers that exist in the Buddhist teachings are one of the things that attracted me early on. There’s something about the logical way that things are laid out that speaks to my techy mind. And although it is through experience and feeling that we gain a true understanding of […]

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The Coyote’s Dilemma

The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is there’s no ground. — Chögyam Trungpa This seems like an appropriate way to begin… We, our family, our country, our global society seems to be in a constant freaked out free fall. With seemingly good […]

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